What’s a B-17 Flying Fortress?

The B-17 Flying Fortress was a durable and iconic aircraft used in World War II, with a distinctive four-engine design and strong turret guns. It was capable of accurate bombing and often flew in fighter formations to protect itself. Many are now on display in aviation museums or used for transportation. The B-17 Flying Fortress […]

Best tips for flying with ear infection?

Flying with an ear infection can cause pain due to changes in cabin pressure, but for those who must fly, using a decongestant and swallowing frequently can help manage discomfort. Chewing gum or sucking on candy can also relieve pressure. See a doctor for serious infections. If possible, it’s best to avoid flying with an […]

Flying with a baby: best tips?

Flying with a baby can be made easier by packing only the essentials, planning for delays, and checking airline policies. Essential carry-on items include extra clothes, diapers, and baby food, as well as toys and comfort items. It’s important to check airline regulations regarding seating and to be prepared for various scenarios, such as earaches. […]

Fear of flying: how to overcome it?

Many people are afraid of flying but are ashamed to talk about it. Information about flight safety and physics can help, as can hypnotherapy or talking to a pilot. Online resources and books are also available. Overcoming the fear of flying requires a desire to change. People fear many things: snakes, spiders, closed places. However, […]

Any progress on flying cars?

Moller International has invested $200 million over 40 years to develop flying cars, but only prototypes have been made. The M400X skycar is expected to go into production in 2009, but previous promises were not kept. The M200G “flying saucer” is in production and could cost less than $100,000, but only hovers about ten feet […]

Flying animals?

Flying animals evolved independently four times in the history of life on Earth: in insects, pterosaurs, birds, and bats. Insect flight may have evolved much earlier, in the Devonian period. Flying animals vary widely in size, from the tiny fairy wasp to the massive extinct pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus. There are a variety of types of aerial […]

Largest flying animal ever?

The Azhadrichidae family of pterosaurs, including Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx, were the largest flying animals ever, with wingspans of over 12m. They lived during the Late Cretaceous and were adept walkers. Scientists previously believed each new large pterosaur discovered represented the largest possible flying animal, but this idea has been debunked. The largest flying animal ever […]

What’s the Flying Spaghetti Monster Church?

In 2005, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to require public schools to include the “intelligent design” theory as a viable alternative to the Darwinian theory of evolution. This decision prompted a physics graduate student named Bob Henderson to draft a somewhat satirical protest letter. Henderson argued that any legitimate “intelligent design” theory could […]

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