What’s high intensity focused ultrasound?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a cancer treatment that uses sound waves to destroy cancer cells with fewer side effects than other treatments. It is effective for individual cancers and can also be used to treat non-cancerous tumors. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRI-guided FUS) is used to remove fibroids from the uterus without damaging surrounding […]

What’s Content Focused Networking?

Content-Centric Networking (CCN) allows access to data based on its content rather than location, enabling networks to self-organize and deliver relevant content on demand. CCN is designed to mimic internet usage patterns, leverage existing network infrastructures, and solve problems with information distribution. It enables automatic caching of data anywhere along the network and results in […]

What’s Focused Attention?

There are two types of attention: focused and divided. Focused attention is concentrating on one thing, while divided attention is multitasking. People filter out distractions to focus on what they need to do. A hierarchical model outlines five attention tasks of increasing difficulty. Paying attention is important for success, and those with attention problems may […]

Stay focused: how?

In a world full of distractions, it can be difficult to maintain focus. However, there are ways to improve attention span, such as treating focus as an active exercise, eliminating preventable distractions, getting enough rest, creating mental deadlines, and practicing mental exercises. Considering the number of distractions available in the modern world, it’s remarkable that […]

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