APA essay format?

APA standards provide structure to essays and make them easy to read. Guidelines include margin settings, required pages, proper citations and references, and general formatting. The essay should be double-spaced, use size 12 font, and be written in the third person. APA stands for American Psychological Association. Many times, a student will be asked to […]

Haiku format?

Haiku is a Japanese poetry form consisting of a three-line poem of 17 non-rhyming syllables, often dealing with nature and evoking a particular feeling. The three lines are divided into a fragment and a sentence, with a natural pause between them. Masters of haiku use simple words and employ simile and metaphor sparingly. Haiku is […]

What’s an acct format?

The balance sheet can be presented in either account format or report format, with both being acceptable. The account format lists assets on the left and liabilities and equity on the right, while the report format lists assets first, followed by liabilities and equity. Other considerations include listing the month-ending date and including a running […]

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