Coronoid fracture: what is it?

Coronoid fractures occur in the ulna bone and can reduce elbow stability and movement. They are usually caused by falls and may require surgery. Treatment involves maintaining elbow stability and regaining range of motion, with physical therapy if necessary. Long-term complications include decreased range of motion, osteoarthritis, and paresthesia. A coronoid fracture is a break […]

What’s a nasal fracture?

A broken nose is a common injury caused by falls, sports, or fights. It can involve both bone and cartilage and may require medical intervention. Complications include a deviated septum, CSF leaking, and poor healing. Immediate treatment includes ice and pain management. Severe cases may require surgery. A nose fracture is a break in the […]

What’s a LeFort fracture?

A LeFort fracture is a severe break in the jaw caused by high-impact accidents or trauma. There are three types of LeFort fractures, and surgery is usually required to reconstruct the jaw and repair surrounding soft tissue. Recovery can take months or years, but most patients eventually recover normal vision and ability to speak. A […]

What’s a greenstick fracture?

Greenstick fractures, common in children, occur when a bone bends and breaks partially, like a green twig. They require medical attention and can heal in as little as three weeks with prompt treatment. Treatment involves reducing the fracture and immobilizing the limb in a cast. Undiagnosed fractures can result in infection and permanent damage. Most […]

What’s a basilar fracture?

A basilar fracture is a dangerous linear break at the base of the skull caused by head trauma, which can damage the protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include pain, impaired senses, and difficulty with balance. Treatment involves avoiding physical activity and regular checkups. In severe cases, the nerves controlling vision can […]

Symptoms of stress fracture?

Stress fracture symptoms include pain that worsens with activity, swelling, and tenderness. They are common in weight-bearing bones and can be caused by overuse or low bone density. Athletes, those with osteoporosis, and people with flat feet or high arches are at higher risk. Rest and medical advice are important for proper healing. Stress fracture […]

What’s a Galeazzi fracture?

The Galeazzi fracture affects the radius bone and always presents with a dislocated radial ulnar joint. Surgery is required for adults, while children may attempt closed reduction. Recovery time is about two months, and physical therapy may be needed. Complications are higher when surgical repair is not attempted in adults. Galeazzi’s fracture might be better […]

Shin splint or stress fracture? What’s the difference?

Shin splints and stress fractures can both cause lower leg pain, but they are different conditions. Shin splints refer to pain in the lower leg without specifying the source, while stress fractures are tiny cracks in the bone. Medial shin splints are caused by inflammation of muscles and tendons, while exercise-induced compression syndrome is caused […]

What’s a full fracture?

Complete fractures occur when a bone is broken in at least two sections. Immobilization and medical attention are necessary to avoid complications. The body begins to heal immediately by forming a blood clot and attracting white blood cells. Returning the bone to its natural position and using a splint or cast can facilitate healing. In […]

What’s a Stress Fracture?

Stress fractures, caused by excessive and cumulative stress on bones, are often suffered by athletes, dancers, and soldiers. They can be difficult to detect on an X-ray and require other scanning methods. Prevention includes modifying exercise programs, changing shoes, and increasing bone density through dietary supplements. Many of us are familiar with bone fractures caused […]

What’s a burst fracture?

A burst fracture is a serious type of spinal fracture where all sides of the vertebra are compressed and can spread apart in multiple directions. It can result in spinal cord or nerve injury, paralysis, chronic pain, and muscle weakness. Treatment may include surgery and physical therapy. A burst fracture is a fracture in which […]

What’s a torus fracture?

Torus or buckle fractures are common in childhood, usually involving the radius or ulna bones in the forearm. They occur when the bone breaks on one side and bends outward on the other without breaking completely. Treatment involves casting or pinning for around three weeks, and they heal quickly. Parents can promote child safety to […]

What’s a spinal compression fracture?

Compression fractures in the spine can be caused by trauma or conditions like cancer and osteoporosis. They are difficult to diagnose and treat, with surgery sometimes necessary. Prevention through exercise and avoiding falls is crucial. Back pain should be checked by a doctor to rule out a compression fracture. A spinal compression fracture, more commonly […]

What’s Fracture Toughness?

Fracture toughness measures how well a material performs under pressure with existing flaws. Engineers must find a balance between flexibility and brittleness to withstand strain pressures. Low fracture toughness indicates a material prone to failure, while high fracture toughness can lead to heavy materials. Standards may be required for safety concerns. Fracture toughness is a […]

Tibial stress fracture symptoms?

Shinbone stress fractures are common in runners and caused by overuse and stress on the tibia bone. Symptoms include shin pain, swelling, and tenderness. Diagnosis involves a physical exam and bone scan, and risk factors include overtraining, poor nutrition, and low hormone levels. A shinbone stress fracture, which occurs in the lower leg bone along […]

Hamate fracture: what is it?

A hamate fracture, commonly seen in sports that involve swinging motions, can require surgery to repair the damage. Rest and ice may be sufficient for minor fractures, but physical therapy is recommended. Surgery may involve removing part of the hook bone and can result in impaired grip or nerve damage. The hamate bone is one […]

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