What’s a fume analyzer?

A flue gas analyzer monitors emissions and efficiency of combustion sources, using probes or hoses to measure different gases. Results are stored in memory or printed, and values are designated in ppm or percentage. It is commonly used in industries with legal mandates or for environmental monitoring. A flue gas analyzer is an instrument that […]

What’s a fume purifier?

Fume purifiers remove dangerous gases and pollutants from the air in industrial or scientific settings, complying with government regulations. Wet and dry scrubbers are common types, but waste disposal remains an issue. A fume purifier is a device that has the purpose of removing dangerous gases, fumes and other air pollutants from the air. They […]

What’s Silica Fume?

Silica fume is a white powdery substance produced during the synthesis of silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. It improves concrete strength, reduces water content, and makes it less susceptible to corrosion. It also reduces expansion and cracking caused by alkali-silica reactions. Silica concrete is less permeable and can support heavy loads. The proportion of silica […]

What’s metal fume fever?

Metal fume fever is caused by inhaling toxic fumes from heated metals, with galvanized metals being the most likely culprits. Symptoms include chills, nausea, joint pain, and respiratory problems. Prevention measures include using hood ventilation, wearing respirators and face shields, and ensuring good cross ventilation. Occupational safety laws require adequate ventilation and respiratory protection for […]

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