What’s the global gag rule?

The Global Gag Rule prohibits foreign aid to NGOs offering abortions or lobbying for abortion rights. This affects family planning and public health in developing nations. The policy has been criticized by activists and health professionals. The Mexico City Policy interferes with free speech and was repealed by Clinton but reinstated by Bush. NGOs must […]

What’s a running gag?

Running gags are repeated jokes or situations in entertainment, found in TV shows, books, comics, and movies. Examples include Leslie Neilson’s “Don’t call me Shirley” in Airplane! and The Noodle Incident in Calvin and Hobbes. Three’s Company had running gags involving Mr. Roper’s mistaken belief that Jack is gay and his habit of speaking directly […]

What’s a gag order?

A gag order is a legal directive that prohibits public discussion, often used to ensure a fair trial by limiting discussion that could influence jurors or witnesses. Violators can face legal penalties, and private organizations can also use gag orders to control information. The New York Times once kept a kidnapping secret, sparking controversy over […]

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