Did Catholic Church Apologize to Galileo?

The Catholic Church forced Galileo to recant his support of Copernicus’ theory in 1633, but in 1992, they confirmed Copernicus was correct. The Church acknowledged Galileo’s correctness in 1984, but never formally apologized. Galileo was a math professor who observed nature and constructed the telescope that supported Copernicus’ theory. He continued to write while under […]

What’s a Galileo thermometer?

Galileo thermometers are accurate and simple, consisting of a sealed glass tube filled with liquid and weights that rise or fall with temperature changes. They can be used as functional or decorative items and offer teaching opportunities. The accuracy depends on the calibration of the weights, and placement is important for accurate readings. A Galileo […]

Galileo Galilei: who?

Galileo Galilei, born in Pisa, Italy in 1564, was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. He improved the telescope, discovered Jupiter’s moons, observed the Moon’s hills and valleys, analyzed sunspots, popularized the laws of motion, made the compound microscope practical, and supported heliocentrism. He was tried for heresy and placed under house arrest until his […]

What’s Galileo spacecraft?

The Galileo spacecraft was an unmanned probe sent to study Jupiter and its moons. It was launched in 1989 and made several flybys before arriving at Jupiter in 1995. Galileo orbited Jupiter, made close flybys of its moons, and sent the first probe into its atmosphere. It discovered the first lunar asteroid and strongly suggested […]

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