Common gallbladder diseases?

The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile, but can be affected by gallstones and other diseases. Gallstones can cause pain and other symptoms, and if they block the common bile duct or cystic duct, it can lead to serious health problems. Acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis can also occur. Located below the liver, the gallbladder is a […]

Gallbladder disease symptoms?

Gallbladder disease includes cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, causing pain, nausea, and vomiting. Chronic symptoms can occur without gallstones, while acute symptoms require hospitalization. Jaundice can also be a symptom, but not all cases require gallbladder removal. Gallbladder disease can refer to certain conditions that affect the gallbladder. The most common types of gallbladder disease and disorder […]

Gallbladder cleanse: what is it?

A gallbladder cleanse is a controversial treatment for gallstones, not supported by mainstream medicine. It involves avoiding certain foods and increasing others, and using oils such as olive oil and flaxseed oil. However, it carries risks and medical advice should be sought. Studies suggest that the “stones” expelled after a cleanse are often soapstones, not […]

What’s a gallbladder attack?

A gallbladder attack causes pain, nausea, and dizziness similar to a heart attack. It may be caused by gallstones and can last up to several hours. Avoiding certain foods and taking prescription medications can help, but surgery may be necessary in severe cases. A gallbladder attack is defined as an episode in which an improperly […]

Symptoms of gallbladder disease?

Gallbladder diseases have similar symptoms, but some have distinctive ones. Gallstones are common, but 90% of people don’t show symptoms. Acute cholecystitis causes inflammation and nausea, while chronic cholecystitis causes scar tissue and diarrhea. Biliary colic causes intense pain and vomiting. Seek medical treatment for any symptoms. There are a variety of diseases that develop […]

Gallbladder inflammation symptoms?

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder caused by blockage of the cystic duct, usually due to gallstones. Symptoms include pain in the upper right abdomen, vomiting, weakness, and fatigue. Treatment involves hospitalization, antibiotics, pain relievers, and surgical removal of the gallbladder. Chronic cholecystitis can occur after repeated acute cases and is treated with surgical removal […]

Gallbladder attack signs?

Gallbladder attacks are often mistaken for less serious digestive issues. Symptoms include pain, nausea, indigestion, and fever, often caused by high-fat foods. Gallstones are a common cause, and surgery is usually necessary to remove the gallbladder. Recovery time is quick, and people tend to do fine without it. The signs of a gallbladder attack are […]

Porcelain gallbladder treatment?

Porcelain gallbladder patients have an increased risk of developing gallbladder cancer and require surgery. The type of surgery depends on the severity of the condition, which is classified based on ultrasound imaging. Types II and III require open cholecystectomy, while type I can sometimes be treated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The condition is often diagnosed incidentally […]

What’s a gallbladder lavage?

Gallbladder flushing, a homeopathic treatment claiming to naturally cleanse the body of gallstones, is popular but Western medical authorities believe it does not work and may even pose a danger. The process involves consuming a combination of herbs, oils, foods, and juices, but there are potential dangers as some people may have allergies or severe […]

Causes of Gallbladder Pain?

Unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles are causing an increase in gallbladder disease, which affects 20% of people over 40. Weight problems, high blood cholesterol levels, and gastrointestinal complaints increase the risk. Gallstones are the main cause of pain, and a proper diet and limiting trauma to the abdomen are recommended for treatment. According to the […]

Types of gallbladder polyps?

Gallbladder polyps are usually benign clusters of cells that form on the inner lining of the gallbladder. There are five main types, with cholesterol polyps being the most common. Most polyps do not require surgery, but periodic monitoring is usually sufficient. Gallbladder polyps are usually benign clusters of cells that form on the inner lining […]

Gallbladder disease symptoms?

The gallbladder secretes bile to digest fat, but can become diseased due to gallstones. Symptoms include pain, nausea, and jaundice. Risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, and family history. Treatment includes pain medication and a low-fat diet, but severe cases may require surgery. The gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver. When you […]

What’s a gallbladder polyp?

Gallbladder polyps are abnormal growths that usually don’t require medical attention, but larger ones may be cancerous and require surgical removal. Symptoms are usually mild or nonexistent, and polyps are often discovered during unrelated medical exams. A gallbladder polyp is a growth of cells that forms in the lining of a person’s gallbladder. The growths […]

What’s a gallbladder?

Nervous bladder is a condition where an individual feels the need to urinate but cannot empty the bladder entirely. It can be caused by emotional issues, physical factors, or a phobia of using public restrooms. Treatment options include medication and counseling. A nervous bladder is a condition in which the individual feels the need to […]

What’s Porcelain Gallbladder?

Porcelain gallbladder is a condition where the gallbladder wall becomes calcified due to chronic inflammation caused by gallstones. It is usually detected through imaging and requires surgery to remove the gallbladder to reduce the risk of developing gallbladder cancer. Porcelain gallbladder means that the wall of the gallbladder has been calcified into a hard, bluish-white […]

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