What’s the Gang of Eight?

The Gang of Eight is a group of eight members of the US Congress who must be notified of all intelligence activities undertaken by the President and executive branch of government. This group is an alternative to briefing the entire Congressional Intelligence Committee, while complying with all national security laws. The National Security Act of […]

What’s a jail gang?

Prison gangs engage in criminal activity and have strict internal hierarchies. They may run entire prison systems and are often divided by race or outside affiliations. Initiation is brutal, and membership is for life. Even non-affiliated inmates may join for protection. Officials struggle to limit their power. A prison gang is a group of inmates […]

What’s a chain gang?

Chain gangs were groups of convicted criminals who were shackled together while performing forced labor, primarily in the American South in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The practice was linked to pre-Civil War Southern slavery practices and was used as a deterrent to crime. Inmates were leased to corporations or local governments, and […]

What’s a Gang?

The term “gang” can refer to groups with a common purpose, but is often associated with street gangs involved in illegal activities. Gangs are organized with leaders and a hierarchy, and members share a common identity based on ethnicity, culture, class, religion or other factors. Gang violence has been a problem for many communities, and […]

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