What’s gender norms?

Genre conventions are the defining aspects of a genre, including archetypal characters and plot points. Artists use these conventions to satisfy audience expectations, but they can become clichéd. Conventions evolve over time through repetition and experimentation, and new works can introduce new elements that change the genre. Examples include Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and Robert E. […]

Can gender bias be eradicated?

Orchestras have adopted blind auditions to eliminate bias based on gender and ethnicity, resulting in an increase in female musicians from less than 5% in 1970 to 25% in 1997. Some orchestras go further by masking sounds of women’s footwear and using blind auditions throughout the process. Female musicians now outnumber male counterparts in some […]

Create gender lesson plans: how-to.

When creating genre lesson plans, start by considering standards and introduce the concept of genre before a unit on different types. Provide examples and let students brainstorm before refining into established categories. Ensure students understand the concept and interact with it through activities like listing books and movies. Group and organize works by genre to […]

Sociology of gender: what is it?

Gender sociology studies the roles of gender and sex in society, including the distribution of power and gender stratification. It focuses on the social aspects of gender, which may refer to physical sex. The term “gender” can refer to biological or social constructs, and the field is closely related to feminist theories. The sociology of […]

Gender & discourse: what’s the link?

Discourse is the relationship between language and its real-world context, often linked to power structures. Gender and discourse research analyzes how language reflects or influences gender stereotypes and differences in language use between men and women. Michel Foucault’s theories on language as a means of controlling people’s actions have influenced much of the use of […]

Best tips for teaching gender?

Teaching genre is important in English and literature courses. Students should understand the differences between genres to read, appreciate, and create them. Teachers can use group analysis, independent reading, and graphic organizers to teach genre. Students can also create their own examples of literature to deepen their understanding. Genre of instruction is an important aspect […]

What’s Gender Sensitivity?

Gender sensitivity involves being aware of traditional gender roles and using inclusive language to eliminate assumptions. Gender-specific terms can have a negative cultural effect on women. Gender-neutral language benefits both men and women by offering more choice and eliminating assumptions about traditional roles. Pronoun choice is an important aspect of gender sensitivity. Gender sensitivity is […]

How to address gender pronouns in English?

The use of gender pronouns has led to debates on political correctness in language. Suggestions include using interchangeable he/she pronouns, non-gendered them pronouns, or new gender-neutral pronouns. Some object to discarding gender pronouns, but historical usage can imply discrimination. Political correctness in language has led to some significant discussions about how to handle gender pronouns. […]

Gender vs. equity feminism: what’s the difference?

Gender feminism and equity feminism are two terms used to categorize different types of feminists. Equity feminists focus on equal rights and treatment, while gender feminists question traditional gender roles and societal norms. These terms are often used in anti-feminist rhetoric, with equity feminism being portrayed as “good” feminism and gender feminism as “bad” feminism. […]

What’s grammatical gender?

Grammatical gender is a system in some languages where nouns are classified by gender, often masculine, feminine or neuter. Adjectives and articles must agree. Some languages have more extensive and complex gender systems, including assigning gender based on animate and inanimate categories or physical forms of objects. Grammatical gender is a system in the grammar […]

What’s Gender Studies?

Genre studies categorize stories to make it easier to compare and differentiate between them. Gender studies provide a larger context to recognize common themes and ideas in certain types of stories. Once genres are established, other literary concepts can be used to identify common character types. Understanding gender studies can enhance a reader’s or viewer’s […]

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