What’s a Genius Grant?

The MacArthur Fellows program awards the Genius Endowment, a mysterious grant that supports creativity in various fields. Recipients are chosen by a nominating board of experts, and winners are notified by telephone. The award is not based on IQ tests or intelligence measures and has been given to individuals in diverse fields. Past recipients include […]

Expert genius: what is it?

A genius savant is often a misnomer, as geniuses are usually highly intelligent and able to live independently, while savants have extraordinary mental abilities in a specific area but may have other developmental issues. Examples include Daniel Tammet, who can do math at lightning speed, and the cause of savant syndrome is not fully understood. […]

What defines a genius?

Geniuses are both intelligent and creative, but the exact definition is difficult to pin down. IQ tests are not ideal measures, and many geniuses are talented in multiple fields. Some struggle with social interactions, but many are capable of handling day-to-day events. The reasons why some become geniuses are a mystery, but genetics and environment […]

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