Symptoms of gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is often asymptomatic and can only be detected through a blood glucose test. However, increased thirst, excessive urination, fatigue, nausea, blurry vision, and weight loss can be symptoms. It is important to report any indicators to a doctor for testing to avoid health risks to both mother and fetus. Gestational diabetes is a […]

Signs of gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes symptoms include thirst, burning sensation when urinating, infections, extreme itching, tiredness, vision problems, change in eating patterns, weight problems, numbness, and stomach upset. However, some women may not experience any symptoms. Testing and medical advice are necessary for diagnosis and treatment. The signs of gestational diabetes can differ between individuals, however, some common […]

Gestational thrombocytopenia: what is it?

Gestational thrombocytopenia is a common and usually benign condition in pregnancy, but additional tests may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other causes. Routine blood tests can reveal early warning signs of complications, but a drop in platelet levels is often normal in pregnancy. Patients with gestational thrombocytopenia are asymptomatic and have […]

Effects of gestational diabetes on baby?

Gestational diabetes can cause large birth weight, low blood sugar, and stillbirth in babies. Careful monitoring of the mother’s blood sugar can reduce the chances of complications. Most women with gestational diabetes give birth to healthy babies, but they are considered high-risk pregnancies. Babies born to women with gestational diabetes are not necessarily born with […]

Gestational Age?

Gestational age is difficult to calculate accurately, but is typically based on the first day of the mother’s last menstrual cycle. Ultrasound and physical signs of ovulation can provide greater accuracy. Knowing a baby’s true gestational age is important for medical treatment at birth. The age of an unborn baby is known as the gestational […]

What’s Gestational Pruritus?

Prurigo gestationis is a skin condition that causes itchy red bumps during pregnancy, but it does not harm the mother or fetus. It can be treated with topical corticosteroids and antihistamines, and usually resolves after pregnancy. Pregnant women should seek medical advice before treating any rash. Prurigo gestationis, or prurigo of pregnancy (PP), is a […]

What’s a gestational carrier?

A gestational carrier is a woman who carries a baby for someone else, usually due to fertility problems. She has no biological relationship to the child, unlike a surrogate. The selection process involves finding a healthy woman who has had at least one child. The technical process involves fertility treatments and implantation. The gestational carrier […]

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