What’s the Leshan Giant Buddha?

The Leshan Giant Buddha is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in China, standing at over 230 feet tall. It depicts Maitreya Buddha and was built to protect locals from dangerous river conditions. Construction began in the 8th century and was completed nearly a century later. The statue has been restored by the Chinese government, but […]

What are giant stars? (28 characters)

Giant stars have a larger radius and luminosity than main-sequence stars due to their helium or heavier element cores. Stars with more than 0.4 solar masses will become giants, and stars with more than 8 solar masses will eventually collapse into a supernova, creating a neutron star. Giant stars are massive stars with a radius […]

Giant amphibians: what are they?

Most modern amphibians are small, but giant amphibians were once dominant predators on Earth. They began to decline when reptiles evolved, and became almost extinct 251 million years ago. Only the Lissamphibia subclass of amphibians still exist, and there is debate about their evolution. Giant amphibians were part of the Labyrinthodontia group, with the most […]

Giant mushrooms predate trees on Earth?

Fossils of giant fungi called Prototaxites suggest they covered the Earth before trees. They reached 24m in height, while trees were only 7.3m. The first fossils were found in Canada in 3, but it wasn’t until 0.9 that they were identified as giant mushrooms. There are over 5 million mushroom species in the world, and […]

What’s a central giant cell granuloma?

Central giant cell granuloma is a noncancerous bone lesion that appears in the jaw, usually in young women. It can cause swelling and infection, but is treatable with medication and surgery. Diagnosis involves physical examination, X-rays, and tissue sampling. Surgery is the primary treatment, with corticosteroids and antibiotics used to relieve pain and swelling. A […]

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