What’s normal tension glaucoma?

Normal tension glaucoma is a type of glaucoma that causes damage to the optic nerve even when the pressure within the eye is normal. The causes are unknown, but theories suggest decreased blood flow or weaknesses in the optic nerve. Risk factors include family history, cardiovascular disease, and Japanese descent. Treatment involves keeping intraocular pressure […]

Cataract vs. Glaucoma: What’s the difference?

Cataracts cause gradual loss of clarity, while glaucoma can cause slow or rapid vision loss and damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is treated with eye drops, laser treatment, or surgery, while cataracts are treated with surgery. Both conditions are more common in people with diabetes. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for preventing irreversible […]

What’s acute glaucoma?

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve and can cause blindness. Acute glaucoma is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention and can cause sudden eye pain, swelling, redness, and reduced vision. Treatment options include medication, surgery, and laser treatment. Regular eye exams are important for early diagnosis and treatment. Prevention of glaucoma is unlikely. The disorder […]

What’s acute angle-closure glaucoma?

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can cause permanent vision damage or blindness if not treated immediately. It occurs when the angle between the iris and the trabecular meshwork is narrowed, leading to blockage in the canals. Symptoms include eye pain, headache, and blurred vision. Treatment involves reducing intraocular pressure and surgery […]

Pigmentary glaucoma: what is it?

Pigmentary glaucoma occurs when pigment rubs against the lens, leading to fluid buildup and pressure on the optic nerve. Symptoms include blurry vision, colored halos, and eye pain. Caucasians, near-sighted people, and those who exercise strenuously are more susceptible. Treatment includes eye drops, miotics, laser treatment, and trabeculectomy. Pigmentary glaucoma is a rare form of […]

Best doctor for glaucoma? How to choose?

To find a good glaucoma doctor, ask your current eye doctor or friends and family for referrals. Look for a doctor who uses modern tests and has experience treating the condition, and investigate their professional background to avoid malpractice lawsuits. If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, it’s important to find a doctor as soon as […]

What’s pseudoexfoliative glaucoma?

Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma is caused by protein buildup in the eye, leading to clogged drainage and increased intraocular pressure. Risk factors include age, exposure to UV light, and living at high altitudes. Treatment options include medication, laser therapy, and surgery. Yearly eye exams are recommended for those with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma is an eye disorder […]

What’s wide-angle glaucoma?

Wide-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma, caused by blocked drainage channels in the eye. It progresses slowly and can cause tunnel vision and blindness. Treatment includes surgery and medicated eye drops. Heredity, age, and certain ethnicities and medical conditions increase the risk of developing glaucoma. Wide-angle glaucoma, also called open-angle glaucoma, is […]

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