What’s Diethylene Glycol?

Diethylene glycol (DEG) is a versatile organic compound used in various industrial applications, including polyurethane plastic manufacturing, natural gas production, and as a solvent. It is also used in tobacco and cork manufacturing, printing inks, and glues. DEG has a high flash point, low freezing point, and high boiling point, making it useful for cooling […]

What’s Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Acrylate?

Ethylene glycol dimethyl acrylate is a diester used in various industries to produce plastic, rubber, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. It is non-toxic and can be used to create copolymer surfaces for tissue regeneration and hydrogels for artificial corneas and intraocular lens implants. Ethylene glycol dimethyl acrylate is a diester, meaning there are two alcohol/acid combinations in […]

What’s Ethylene Glycol?

Ethylene glycol is a colorless, viscous fluid with a sweet syrupy taste and no odor. It is commonly used as a coolant, heat transfer agent, and antifreeze agent, as well as a component in household products, polymer manufacturing, and wood rot treatment. However, it is toxic and can cause fatal poisoning if ingested. French chemist […]

What’s propylene glycol alginate?

Propylene Glycol Alginate is a yellowish chemical powder made from plant algae used as a thickening agent in foods. It stabilizes and preserves food, but may cause negative side effects such as stomach upset, allergies, and birth defects. Propylene Glycol Alginate (PGA) is an additive used primarily as a thickening agent in certain types of […]

What’s Polypropylene Glycol?

Polypropylene glycol is a viscous, odorless liquid used in household products, cosmetics, and industry. It is made from propylene oxide and has varying molecular units. Production methods using alternative sources are being investigated. PPG is similar to PEG in properties and is used as a moisturizer, thickener, defoamer, and lubricant. It is also used in […]

What’s glycol dehydration?

Glycol dehydration removes excess water from natural gas for transportation and consumer use. Raw gas is carried through liquid glycol molecules to remove water vapor, which is recycled. Triethylene glycol is the most common glycol used due to its high boiling point. Glycol dehydration is a process used in the purification of natural gas. It […]

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