What are gov’t workers?

Civil servants work for the government at all levels and in various settings. Government jobs are highly competitive and require passing tests and background checks. Public officials are graded and promoted based on qualifications and performance. Job seekers should research agencies and acquire necessary skills. Civil servants are people who work for the government. As […]

Govt: What’s the role of people management?

Government personnel management aims to find effective employees, provide opportunities for learning and success, and create a valuable workforce. Each agency is responsible for filling positions with suitable candidates, and public sector employment should offer more than just working in a government environment. It should also train individuals to succeed elsewhere. People management in government […]

Govt. farm subsidies?

Government farm grants help individuals improve or start a farm, with subsidies ensuring access to food. Applicants must prove financial need, and subsidies may be given to increase corn production for ethanol. The Department of Agriculture in the US decides who receives subsidies, while EU subsidies are criticized for not going directly to farmers. Government […]

US gov’t spending per household?

The US government will spend over $30,000 per household in 2010, with taxes collected at $17,800. The deficit is $12,700 per household. US government spending per household increased 40% between 2000 and 2010, and the deficit is 10.3% of GDP. 40 cents of every dollar spent is from a loan, and spending has outpaced inflation […]

US gov’t spend on investigations?

US spending on investigations has decreased significantly, with only $8 million spent on investigating the 2008 financial crisis. In contrast, the government spent $175 million on the Challenger disaster and $15 million on 9/11. The US spends $711 billion on military operations and $17 billion on the “war on drugs.” The US is spending less […]

Seniors or children: who gets more US gov’t spending?

The US government spends 2.4 times more on seniors than on children, with Greece and Japan also spending more on older people. Social programs for children are mostly funded by state and local governments, while spending on seniors is primarily federal. Spending on the elderly and disabled is projected to rise due to increasing life […]

US gov’t ready for zombie outbreak?

The Pentagon has a serious plan, CONPLAN 8888-11, to combat a zombie apocalypse. The plan encourages creative strategies and tactics for disaster planning. Zombies have been part of folklore since the 17th century and gained popularity in the US after Night of the Living Dead. The US government isn’t really expecting a zombie apocalypse, but […]

What % of Wyoming residents work for gov’t?

Wyoming has the highest percentage of state and local government employees in the US at 22%, followed by Alaska at 20.8%. Only 7.9% of workers in the nation’s capital are employed by local or state government. Civil servants are more educated and the public sector has a higher percentage of female workers. The US federal […]

Govt. liquidation: what is it?

Government sales offer low-priced items to the public through auctions, with liquidations handled by government agencies or specialized companies. Surplus and seized items are sold, but buyers should be aware of the “as is” condition and pay in cash. Previews may be available for buyers to review items before purchase. A government sale is a […]

Best tips for foreign gov’t contract jobs?

Overseas government contract jobs vary by country and job category, with some countries seeking specialized knowledge or machinery not available locally. Contractors should determine their desired job category and seek opportunities through government job sites and conferences. There are a number of considerations regarding contract employment abroad, which vary by the government in question and […]

Gov’t background check: what is it?

The US government requires intense background checks for federal employees with access to classified information. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) conducts most checks, while the Department of Defense and FBI perform others. The checks involve personal questionnaires, fingerprinting, interviews with acquaintances and employers, and credit reports. The length of the investigation depends on the […]

Mexican gov’t system?

Mexico is a federal republic with a Constitution that outlines the responsibilities and powers of the three branches of government. The executive branch is led by the president, the legislative branch is bicameral, and the judicial branch includes a high court. Each state has its own government, and there are over 2,400 municipalities at the […]

French gov’t system?

The French government is a semi-presidential system that values the separation of powers and citizen freedoms. It has three branches: presidential, legislative, and judicial. Political parties form coalitions, and all citizens over 18 can vote. The prime minister is approved by the National Assembly and makes executive decisions subject to review. The French system of […]

Govt. agencies?

Government agencies are separate entities from departments or ministries, established by national, regional or local governments to implement policies. They can deliver public goods and services, set standards for private sector activity, and be captured by interest groups. Government agencies are administrative units of the government charged with specific responsibilities. These agencies can be established […]

Did US Govt. expect Apollo 11 to succeed?

A contingency PR plan was in place in case the Apollo 11 mission failed, with President Nixon’s speech ready to be delivered if the astronauts were stranded on the moon. The speech was crafted by William Safire and is now archived in the National Archives. In July 1969, the world watched and nervously waited for […]

Why Tibetan gov’t in exile?

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) represents Tibet from its headquarters in India, but no nation recognizes it as a formal government. Its goal is to see Tibet gain autonomy in its administrative affairs and preserve Tibetan culture. The CTA includes a full cabinet, parliament, and a prime minister. It is no longer closely involved with […]

Gov’t statistician’s job?

Government statisticians collect and analyze data on population, business, and society to inform legislation, public funding, and health initiatives. They need a strong understanding of politics, social policy, and advanced mathematics. Statistics are collected through surveys, experiments, and trend analysis, and are used in the corporate world for marketing and sales decisions, and in government […]

Govt. offer?

The government offers a service in exchange for money through a bidding process. Contractors bid to provide services at the lowest price, and the government selects the best offer. Contracts can be fixed price or cost-plus. A government offer is an offer to provide a service to the government in exchange for a certain amount […]

What’s a coalition gov’t?

A coalition government is formed when different political parties work together to govern a country or region. It can be volatile and require concessions, but is seen as an accurate representation of popular will. Some worry about inefficiency and corruption, but it can also lead to greater unity. Countries like Germany, Italy, India, Ireland, and […]

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