Portugal’s high school graduates count?

Only 28% of Portugal’s population over 30 have a high school diploma, with just 27% of men and 32% of women completing high school. This lack of an educated workforce is blamed for Portugal’s economic struggles, with an unemployment rate of 14% and youth unemployment at 35%. Portugal is one of the least educated nations […]

Which country tops in college graduates?

Russia has the highest percentage of university graduates in the world, followed by Canada, Israel, and Japan. The US ranks 12th, with less than 40% of the population holding a bachelor’s degree or higher. US college statistics show low completion rates and a significant need for remedial education. Income inequality affects college success rates. Russia […]

What was the youngest graduate’s age?

Michael Kearney, diagnosed with ADHD, graduated from the University of South Alabama at age 10. His parents chose to homeschool him, and he earned a master’s degree at age 14. Other young graduates include Adragon De Mello, Kathleen Holtz, and Gregory Smith. Michael Kearney was the youngest ever graduate, receiving a BA in anthropology from […]

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