What’s Graft vs Host Disease?

Bone marrow transplants can treat certain cancers, but can also cause graft versus host disease (GVHD), where the body attacks itself. GVHD can occur when using donor cells. Symptoms include rash, stomach problems, and organ failure. Treatment involves steroids and other drugs. The prognosis depends on the severity of symptoms and treatment initiation. Tissue match […]

What’s graft?

Graft, a form of political bribery, allows officials to gain something through their position of power or inside knowledge. Governments have measures in place to prevent corruption, and graft can end a politician’s career. Actions considered grafts range from accepting gifts to manipulating public budgets. Politicians are expected to recuse themselves in situations that affect […]

What’s graft rejection?

Graft rejection occurs when the immune system attacks foreign tissue with different antigens. Most transplant patients need immunosuppressant medication to prevent rejection. HLA compatibility is important, and identical twins are the best match. Corneal transplants are less likely to be rejected due to lack of blood supply. A graft rejection is an immune response by […]

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