Causes of Graves’ disease?

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease causing hyperthyroidism, more common in middle-aged women. Symptoms include bulging eyes, goiter, and weight loss. Treatment includes medication and surgery, and eye care is important due to the risk of double vision. A thyroid storm is a serious complication. Research is ongoing. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease that […]

What’s Graves’ eye disease?

Graves’ ophthalmopathy is an inflammatory eye disease often seen in hyperthyroidism patients. Symptoms range from redness to bulging eyes. Treatments include ice, medication, and surgery. The autoimmune reaction causing Graves’ disease is still present even if hyperthyroidism is resolved. Graves’ ophthalmopathy is an inflammatory eye disease usually seen in patients with hyperthyroidism, in which the […]

What’s Graves’ disease?

Graves’ disease is a form of hyperthyroidism that affects women over 20. Symptoms include bulging eyeballs, rapid heartbeat, weight loss, and sensitivity to light. It is an autoimmune disease that can cause serious complications if left untreated. Treatment options include medication, radioactive iodine, and surgery. Graves’ disease is a form of hyperthyroidism, which means that […]

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