Guided Image Meditation: What is it?

Guided imagery meditation involves focusing on specific images or ideas to aid relaxation or promote healing. It can be led by a person or accessed through scripts or audio recordings, and is often used in healthcare to help patients feel a sense of control over their bodies. Guided imagery meditation is a form of meditation […]

What’s Guided Imagery?

Guided imagery involves mental visualizations to relieve stress, change patterns, and achieve spiritual awakening. The guide can be a licensed psychotherapist, spiritual instructor, or friend. The images seen have meaning and can be used for self-suggestion and self-healing. Guided imagery is a way of walking a person through mental visualizations. These visualizations are meant to […]

What’s Guided Tissue Regeneration?

Guided tissue regeneration is a dental surgery used to promote new tissue growth in damaged areas of the jaw caused by gum disease. It is often used to stabilize teeth or prepare the jaw for dental implants and requires strict post-op care. Patients should seek an experienced dentist and consider a second opinion. Guided tissue […]

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