Haiku format?

Haiku is a Japanese poetry form consisting of a three-line poem of 17 non-rhyming syllables, often dealing with nature and evoking a particular feeling. The three lines are divided into a fragment and a sentence, with a natural pause between them. Masters of haiku use simple words and employ simile and metaphor sparingly. Haiku is […]

Create a haiku lesson? How?

Teaching haiku can improve vocabulary, syllable knowledge, and introduce poetry. Start with a discussion of syllables, brainstorm words, and create haikus together. Use images to inspire creativity. Haiku traditionally reflects nature and deeper meanings. Many teachers love the idea of ​​teaching a haiku class because it can accomplish so many things at once. It’s a […]

What’s Haiku Fridge?

Refrigerator haiku refers to haiku made with magnetic words on fridge doors or magnets that contain haiku. It originated from the famous English haiku “Haiku are easy, but sometimes they don’t make sense, refrigerator”. Haiku evolved from Japanese poetry and has strict rules, including the use of kigo and kireji. Refrigerator haiku can be humorous […]

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