What’s a Hamlet?

Hamlets are small settlements often built around a specific place. The word “borough” originated from the Old French hamel, meaning “village.” Hamlets lack shops and services and are often subordinate to the next larger town. Historically, people in a hamlet often worked for the same entity. Villages lack formal accommodations for tourists but can be […]

Was Hamlet truly insane?

Hamlet’s sanity is open to interpretation due to cultural and personal definitions of sanity. Killing, suicide contemplation, and seeing ghosts can be rationalized towards different conclusions. Inconsistency and stress also complicate the analysis. The best modern actors and directors must work under their own analysis as Shakespeare’s true intentions cannot be known. People may interpret […]

Who’s Hamlet?

Hamlet is the protagonist of Shakespeare’s play, accused of seeking justice for his father’s murder but indecisive. He’s the prince of Denmark, involved with Ophelia, and struggles with his Protestant mind in a Catholic world. His father’s ghost claims Claudius killed him, and Hamlet’s sanity is debated. He’s unable to take decisive action, but eventually […]

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