What’s HARP? (28 characters)

HARP is a flexible tabletop RPG system produced by Iron Crown Enterprises. It allows for customization within professions and uses percentile rolls. HARP is praised for its balance of high definition and ease of character creation, making it a compromise for those who find the Rolemaster system too complex. It encourages high adventure storytelling. High […]

What are Harp Fests?

Harp festivals, held worldwide but most common in Europe, feature concerts, courses, workshops, and art exhibitions for harpists and classical music enthusiasts. They are funded by ticket sales, advertising, and sponsorships. Instructors offer classes for players of all levels, and workshops cover a variety of topics. Art exhibits allow customers to try out and purchase […]

What’s a HARP loan?

The US government created the Home Affordable Refinancing Program (HARP) to help homeowners refinance their mortgages with more attractive interest rates or lower monthly payments. HARP loans are reserved for mortgages issued or backed by government-sponsored enterprises and aim to prevent foreclosures. The program may have an expiration date and terms may change. In the […]

What’s a HARP Loan?

The US government created the Affordable Home Refinancing Program (HARP) to help homeowners refinance mortgages with better rates or lower payments. It is reserved for mortgages issued by government-sponsored enterprises and aims to prevent foreclosures. HARP loans have features such as fixed interest rates and less stringent insurance requirements. The program may have an expiration […]

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