Did President Harrison like White House electricity?

Thomas Edison’s discovery of using carbonized bamboo as a filament for light bulbs led to the world’s first incandescent lighting systems, replacing gas lights. The White House was first installed with electricity in 1891, but President Harrison and his wife never touched the switches. Instead, the household staff turned the lights on and off. During […]

Who’s William Henry Harrison?

William Henry Harrison was the oldest president to be elected until Ronald Reagan, the first president to die in office, and served for only one month. He was a pro-settler, anti-Indian governor and participated in the Battle of Tippecanoe. He ran for president twice, winning in 1840. William Henry Harrison was the ninth president of […]

Who’s Benjamin Harrison?

Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd US President, a Civil War general and senator. He won the 1888 election but lost to Grover Cleveland in 1892. Harrison supported the Republican Party and advocated for a protective tariff tax, antitrust laws, and a state for Western Territories. His key initiatives included supporting the Sherman Antitrust Act, the […]

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