Drivers hit animals on purpose?

Over 250,000 animals are killed by cars in the US each year. Experiments show that up to 6% of drivers will deliberately hit fake rubber animals on the road. Traffic accidents also harm vulnerable wildlife populations. Roadkill is an almost inevitable aspect of modern vehicles and roads. It is estimated that over 250,000 animals are […]

Did atomic bombs hit intended targets?

During World War II, the US planned to bomb Kokura, but cloud cover forced them to target Nagasaki instead, killing over 40,000 people. Nagasaki was not originally a target for nuclear strike. History is full of near misses. From assassination attempts — Queen Victoria escaped seven such attempts — to terrifying standoffs like the Cuban […]

Largest asteroid to hit Earth?

Theia, a Mars-sized body that formed over 4 billion years ago, collided with Earth, creating a volume of molten rock that formed the Moon. The largest asteroid to hit Earth was about 6 miles in size, with the largest verified crater being Vredefort in South Africa. The Wilkes Land anomaly in Antarctica may indicate an […]

How often do big asteroids hit Earth?

Around 50,000 tons of debris enter Earth’s atmosphere each year, but most disintegrate before impact. NASA predicts a large asteroid impact every 100 years, with most being small and causing no damage. The largest asteroid is Ceres, and asteroids may be leftover material from the solar system’s formation. 10 spacecraft have orbited or landed on […]

Hit & run laws?

Hit-and-run laws require drivers to stop and provide assistance, exchange information, and contact law enforcement after an accident. Penalties vary by jurisdiction and can be severe, especially in cases of fatal accidents. These laws were created to discourage irresponsible behavior and may result in felony charges. The hit-and-run laws provide criminal penalties for drivers who […]

What’s “hit the head” mean?

The phrase “hit on the head” is a euphemism for using the bathroom, originating from Navy and Coast Guard slang. The term “head” comes from ancient sailing ships, where the designated area for relieving oneself was near the bow. Other naval terms that have entered popular usage include “wallop,” “hunky-dory,” and “scuttlebutt.” There’s no delicate […]

“Hit or Miss” meaning?

“Hit or miss” is an idiom that means something is unpredictable and can be effective or ineffective. It originated from baseball and is often used to describe athletes. Idioms are phrases that acquire meaning through familiarity in culture and may not be easily guessed by those unfamiliar with them. “Hit or miss” is an English […]

What’s an overnight hit?

The term “overnight success” refers to someone who becomes famous or successful seemingly out of nowhere, but often it took them years of hard work. Instant success can change a person’s life and ego, but it’s important to stay grounded. Companies can also experience overnight success, but it can pose challenges. The term overnight success […]

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