What’s the Holy Temple in Jerusalem?

The Holy Temple of Jerusalem refers to two destroyed Jewish temples on the Temple Mount, now occupied by two Islamic shrines. The site is a hotspot of religious conflict and is the third holiest site in Islam. The original temple was supposedly built by King Solomon in 957 BC, and the Second Temple was destroyed […]

Benefits of holy basil extract?

Holy basil extract is a popular supplement in alternative medicine, known for its stress-reducing and mental clarity-promoting properties. It contains antioxidants that help the body deal with free radicals, hydrates the skin, and has expectorant qualities that help clear respiratory infections. It can be found in health food stores and online. Holy basil extract, also […]

What’s a holy church?

Sanctified churches are a branch of Pentecostal Christianity that originated among American slaves. They emphasize attaining grace through prayer and good works, and some individuals receive sanctification to spread the Word of God. Services are noisy and exuberant, with dancing, singing, and speaking in tongues. The churches are often non-denominational and welcome people of all […]

What’s Holy Communion?

Holy Communion is a sacrament in Catholicism where the Eucharist is transformed into the physical body of Christ. Other Christian denominations see it as symbolic. Catholics take their first Holy Communion at age seven or eight. Non-believers and visitors are asked not to partake. The wine or juice offered is optional, and the wafer is […]

What’s the Holy See?

The Holy See is the government of the Roman Catholic Church, including the Vatican City, the Pope, and the Roman Curia. It has a complex structure with various offices and functions, including diplomatic relations with 175 countries and membership in international organizations. The Secretariat of State is second in importance to the Pope. The Holy […]

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