[ad_1] The iliac muscle is part of the iliopsoas group, important for hip movement and flexion. Sedentary lifestyles and improper exercise can weaken or tighten these muscles, leading to poor back support and injury. Treatment includes physical therapy and exercises. Some people may have an extra muscle, the iliacus minor. The iliac is a flat, […]
[ad_1] Antiandrogens are drugs that block the effects of male sex hormones and are used to treat prostate cancer, acne, male pattern baldness, and hirsutism. They can also be used in sex reassignment therapy and to treat male sexual disorders. There are two types of antiandrogens, pure and steroidal, and they can have side effects […]
[ad_1] Blocking antibodies prevent harmful organisms from attaching to host cells by binding to the part of the bacterium or virus used to attach itself to host cells, making it difficult or impossible for the invader to harm its host. They are produced by B cells with the help of T-helper cells. Antibodies are an […]
[ad_1] The mandibular canal is a passage in the lower jaw that carries blood vessels and nerves. It contains the inferior alveolar artery, inferior alveolar nerve, and inferior alveolar vein, and extends from the mandibular foramen to the mental foramen. It also transforms into the mandibular incisive canal, supplying sensation to the front teeth, chin, […]
[ad_1] Homeostasis is the process that maintains a stable internal environment in the human body. It regulates body temperature, pH, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Failure to regulate these factors can lead to diseases and organ failure. Homeostasis is vital to an individual’s health and well-being. Homeostasis is the collection of processes that maintain […]
[ad_1] Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a protein-coding gene that promotes regeneration of hepatocytes into stem and progenitor cells. HGF imbalance is associated with cancer and growth failure. HGF excretion is crucial for organogenesis, and its expression affects the cell growth cycle. HGF is also connected to angiogenesis and is a target for molecular therapy […]
[ad_1] Androgen hormones promote male attributes, stimulate the formation of male testicles and sperm production, and influence behavior. Testosterone is the predominant male sex hormone and has anabolic effects, causing growth and maturation of muscles and bones. Androgen hormones can be used to treat certain medical conditions and for their anabolic properties by athletes, but […]
[ad_1] The splenius cervicis is a minor muscle located deep in the back of the neck that helps extend, laterally flex, and rotate the neck. It originates in the upper thoracic vertebrae and attaches to the transverse processes of the top two or three cervical vertebrae. It works in conjunction with the larger splenius capitus […]
[ad_1] The auditory tube, located in the middle ear, helps with balance and hearing by equalizing pressure and draining fluids. Children are more prone to ear infections due to a shorter and more horizontal tube. The tympanic cavity, or middle ear, of the human auditory system is a compressed space within the temporal bone of […]
[ad_1] Gustation is the sense of taste that allows people to experience different flavors and tastes of foods and other objects. It involves nerves located in clusters of taste cells found in the taste buds found in pores on the surface of the tongue and other parts of a person’s mouth. There are five accepted […]