What’s IEEE Computer Society?

The IEEE Computer Society is a part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and offers courses, lectures, and publications to advance computer education and careers. It provides career information and resources, training and certification programs, and networking opportunities for technology professionals. The IEEE also has other technology-based societies and offers membership benefits […]

What’s the IEEE Protocol?

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) develops protocols for various technologies to standardize industries. IEEE member companies adhere to these protocols to ensure products work together. The IEEE produces protocols for a range of sectors, including biometrics and shipping. The IEEE was formed in 1963 and is divided into societies, councils, and committees, […]

What is IEEE?

The IEEE is an international association of professional engineers that offers a forum for technological advancements related to electricity. Its members in over 175 countries have access to learning opportunities and central information flows, promoting electronic technology interests and ongoing education. As an international association with no lucrative ends of professional engineers, the IEEE offers […]

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