What’s an imaginary number?

Imaginary numbers have a square that is a negative real number and are represented by the letter i. They were once thought to be fictitious but are now accepted and used in fields such as quantum mechanics and electrical engineering. They can be represented on a graph with the imaginary number axis perpendicular to the […]

Is an imaginary friend healthy for my child?

Imaginary friends are common among children and can be a healthy way to express creativity and cope with stress. Parents should only be concerned if the friend prevents the child from making real friends. Teenagers with imaginary friends may need to be evaluated by a mental health professional. An imaginary friend is an imaginary friend […]

What’s an imaginary audience?

The imaginary audience is a psychological concept common in adolescence, where a person believes they are constantly being observed by peers, family, and strangers. This belief can lead to harmful behavior, but most people grow out of it. Maintaining this belief into adulthood can be a sign of social or psychological disorders. The concept has […]

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