[ad_1] The imperial pint is a unit of measurement equal to 20 fluid ounces, commonly used in bartending. It was part of the imperial measurement system, standardized in 1824 and later abandoned for the metric system. The disappearance of the imperial pint caused confusion, especially in pubs. Different units of measure are often offered to […]
[ad_1] The Imperial War Museum was founded during WW1 as a celebration of British society and its sacrifices. It has five branches, including one in Manchester, and covers all wars involving the UK since 1914. The museum is free to enter in central and north London. The Imperial War Museum is a series of historical […]
[ad_1] The Imperial Transantarctic Expedition, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton, aimed to cross the Antarctic continent by land but failed. The ship Endurance became trapped in pack ice, and the expedition was abandoned. The men survived on pack ice and eventually landed on Elephant Island. Five men set off to seek help and eventually made […]