What’s Secondary Infertility?

Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive or carry a second child to term, and affects about 20% of women. Age, ovulation problems, and uterine issues are common causes, and medical tests can determine the cause and recommend treatment. Secondary infertility occurs when a woman who has already carried a baby to term is unable […]

Male Infertility: What is it?

Male infertility is the cause of almost half of all infertility cases, with various reasons such as hormonal disorders, infections, and trauma. A fertility specialist will check for male infertility through a physical exam and semen analysis, and treatments include drug therapy, surgery, and assisted reproduction. Couples struggling to conceive should seek medical advice after […]

Best diet for infertility?

A nutrient-dense diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy products is recommended for those struggling with infertility. Prenatal vitamins and avoiding certain foods are also important. Zinc-rich foods can benefit men’s fertility, while avoiding tobacco and excessive caffeine is recommended for both men and women. A healthy diet may increase chances of […]

Ovarian cysts & infertility: any link?

Ovarian cysts can affect fertility, depending on the type of cyst. Polycystic ovaries and endometriomas can interfere with ovulation, while other cysts usually do not cause infertility. Surgery to remove cysts can also affect fertility. Symptoms may not appear until the cysts become large or rupture. Laparoscopic surgery can help restore normal ovarian function, but […]

Is yoga good for infertility?

Yoga can help treat infertility by reducing stress and improving health, increasing blood circulation to reproductive systems, and strengthening muscles. It can also improve communication and sex life for couples, and prepare women for childbirth. Yoga, an ancient practice that combines meditation, exercise, and breathing techniques, may be helpful in treating infertility. When a couple […]

Infertility test: what is it?

Infertility tests determine why a woman cannot get pregnant or why a man cannot impregnate a woman. Procedures include physical exams, blood tests, ultrasounds, and laparoscopy. Infertility insurance can help defray costs. The purpose of an infertility test is to determine why a woman is unable to get pregnant or why a man is unable […]

Male Infertility: What is it?

Male infertility affects 40% of couples struggling with infertility. Causes include impotence, reproductive system problems, environmental factors, and genetics. Treatment ranges from correcting the underlying cause to IVF or donor sperm. Infertility can be psychologically distressing, and some men may choose to induce infertility deliberately. Male infertility is a medical condition characterized by the inability […]

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