What’s Platelet Inhibition?

Platelet inhibitors limit platelet functions to prevent blood clots and are used to treat thrombotic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. They can cause hemorrhage, but the risk is low. Low-dose aspirin is commonly used for cardiovascular health, while prescription drugs include Plavix, Ticlid, Pletal, and Persantine. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are used during angioplasty to prevent clotting […]

What’s Reciprocal Inhibition?

Reciprocal inhibition is a behavior therapy where a desired response is repeatedly performed in the presence of a stimulus that triggers an unwanted response. Joseph Wolpe developed the theory, which involves gradual exposure to anxiety-producing stimuli while teaching relaxation techniques. Wolpe’s work with soldiers suffering from PTSD was successful, and his theory has been incorporated […]

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