Court-ordered injunction: what is it?

A court-ordered injunction is a decree that compels or prevents an action, often temporary, until a court decision is made. It can be issued to any legal entity and violating it can result in penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment. Examples include preventing the sale of property in a contested will case or enforcing visitation […]

What’s a group injunction?

Gang injunctions restrict the activities of known gang members in a particular area, developed in Los Angeles in the 1980s. Some argue they limit civil rights, while others see them as an appropriate tool. Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors develop arguments for injunctions, which must be carefully formulated and reasoned. The legality of gang injunctions […]

Filing an injunction: what’s involved?

An injunction is a court order to do or refrain from doing something. A preliminary injunction is filed early in the legal process and requires a demonstration of irreparable harm. The party filing must prepare the motion accordingly and provide the opponent with a copy. The time frame for a judge to respond is often […]

What’s an Anti-Complaint Injunction?

An anti-lawsuit injunction is a court order preventing a party from transferring a dispute to another court or bringing an identical suit elsewhere. It aims to prevent parallel foreign claims and forum shopping. Courts have different positions on when to issue an injunction, but parties who defy it can face hefty penalties. An anti-claims injunction […]

Perm. injunction: legal order to stop action.

A permanent injunction is a court order issued after a full trial or default judgment, requiring a person or entity to permanently cease or perform in a certain way. They are used in civil cases as a type of equitable remedy when monetary damages are insufficient. They differ from temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, […]

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