What’s a remand inmate?

Remand prisoners are those imprisoned before trial, presumed innocent and entitled to special treatment. They are denied bail and taken to prison facilities due to risk of absconding or tampering with the case. They may feel punished and are exempt from labor duty, allowed more visitors, and can vote by mail ballot. A remand is […]

Visit inmate in prison?

Visiting an inmate in prison requires applying to schedule a visit and complying with regulations. Visitors must dress conservatively, bring photo ID, and cannot bring items without prior arrangements. Lawyers have more leeway. Lockdowns can limit visiting hours. Procedure for prison visits is similar. The procedure for visiting an inmate in prison varies depending on […]

Unusual ways to reduce inmate sentences?

Some governments offer reduced sentences for prisoners who participate in self-improvement or community service. In Brazil, prisoners can reduce their sentences by reading books or riding a stationary bicycle to generate energy for street lamps. In the US, inmates can receive slight sentence reductions for good behavior or participation in drug treatment programs, and some […]

What’s an inmate?

Inpatients require hospitalization for at least one night, while outpatients only need short-term medical care. Hospitals try to limit inpatients for efficiency, but some conditions require hospitalization. Hospital stays can be expensive and frustrating, but hospitals provide diversions for inpatients. An inpatient is a patient who must be hospitalized for at least one night to […]

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