Innovation & economic development: what’s the link?

Innovation can lead to economic development by creating entrepreneurial opportunities and leveraging human capital. Countries with well-developed education systems tend to have more innovators, leading to economic growth through entrepreneurship. Some countries with fewer natural resources rely on human capital and innovation for economic success. The relationship between innovation and economic development lies in the […]

What are innovation communities? (35 characters)

Innovation communities are groups of individuals who come together to pursue a specific goal, often as volunteers. They aim to create a safe environment for free sharing of ideas and inspiration to lead to new and innovative ways of doing things. This concept can be applied in various scenarios, and facilitators help keep the group […]

What’s an innovation director’s role?

The Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) is responsible for identifying and implementing new ideas to increase profitability and keep a company at the forefront of the industry. The CIO develops strategies for innovation around the Internet, social media, and sustainability, while also creating a culture of innovation within the company. The position involves significant strategic planning […]

How to be an innovation director?

To become a chief innovation officer, one needs an ongoing interest in testing new product ideas, product management and executive experience, and a bachelor’s degree. The role involves finding new business opportunities, testing new ideas, and convincing executives to implement successful products. Developing solid product management skills and exercising creative abilities are also important. To […]

What’s an innovation game in business?

Innovation games are a type of primary market research where customers interact with staff in creative ways to provide actionable insights into a company’s consumer base. The facilitator must be a leader, problem solver, and creative thinker. Designers look at scalability, open interactions, and costs. Innovation games are a form of qualitative market research that […]

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