How to reduce insomnia?

To reduce insomnia, exercise for 30 minutes a day, reduce stress, change your lifestyle, treat bad eating habits, and consider behavior therapy or medication as a last resort. Avoid exercising too close to bedtime, heavy meals before bed, and spending too much time with friends late at night. There are several ways to reduce insomnia, […]

Chronic insomnia: what is it?

Chronic insomnia is a long-term sleep disorder that can last for years and affects a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including medication, stress, and sleep disorders. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, medication, or therapy. While many people will experience the occasional sleepless night, […]

When to see a doctor for insomnia?

Insomnia can be dangerous to health if it becomes chronic. Patients should see a doctor if they experience repeated episodes of insomnia, daytime sleepiness, decline in cognitive function, or other symptoms. Insomnia can be caused by stress, medical conditions, or other factors. Patients should document their sleep episodes and any recent life changes before seeing […]

What’s psychophysiological insomnia?

Psychophysiological insomnia causes inadequate sleep due to intense anxiety about getting enough rest. Self-medication and anxiety exacerbate the problem. Diagnosis is made by ruling out other causes, and treatment includes improving sleep habits, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medication if necessary. Women are more affected than men. Psychophysiological insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes inadequate […]

What’s terminal insomnia?

Terminal insomnia is a sleep disorder where people wake up after only four to five hours of sleep and have difficulty getting back to sleep. It can be caused by emotional distress, physical illness, or pain. Treatment includes relaxation techniques, prescription drugs, therapy, and changes to sleep times and environment. Keeping a sleep diary can […]

Causes of insomnia?

Insomnia can be caused by various factors, including stress, unhealthy habits like exercising or drinking water at the wrong time, and a messy bedroom. Redecorating with pastel colors and practicing meditation can help, as well as avoiding spicy food, alcohol, and smoking. There are many possible causes of insomnia. From the simple ones, like the […]

Causes of insomnia and nausea?

Insomnia and nausea can be caused by medication, caffeine, recreational drug withdrawal, stress, and depression. Chronic symptoms should be examined for underlying causes such as cancer or depression. Medications for depression can also cause these side effects. Recreational drugs like marijuana and alcohol can also cause these symptoms during withdrawal. High caffeine consumption can cause […]

Causes of night sweats and insomnia?

Night sweats and insomnia often occur together, with stress, anxiety, pregnancy, menopause, infections, hormonal imbalances, sleep apnea, and medications being common causes. Treatment options include reducing underlying stress, addressing hormonal imbalances, and changing medications. Many common conditions create night sweats and insomnia. First, night sweats often lead to insomnia because episodes of heavy sweating can […]

What’s fatal familial insomnia?

Fatal familial insomnia is a rare genetic disease caused by prions attacking the thalamus, leading to the inability to sleep, weight loss, dementia, and eventually death. There is no cure, but gene therapy is a potential treatment. The disease was first identified by an Italian doctor and appears in fewer than 30 families worldwide. Fatal […]

Is insomnia normal?

Humans naturally slept in two four-hour blocks before the industrial revolution, with one or two hours of waking in between. Underdeveloped countries still show segmented sleep patterns as the norm. Patients with insomnia are more likely to fall back asleep when told waking up at night is natural. Regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and nicotine before […]

What’s initial insomnia?

Onset insomnia is a type of insomnia where people have trouble falling asleep. It can be caused by stress and anxiety, and can be treated with medication or changes in sleep hygiene. Other types of insomnia include terminal and average insomnia. Onset insomnia, also known as onset insomnia, is a form of insomnia characterized by […]

Rebound insomnia: what is it?

Rebound insomnia is a side effect of withdrawal from certain sleep aids, particularly benzodiazepines. It can last a few days to three weeks, but eventually goes away. Newer medications like zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone, and ramelteon are less likely to cause rebound insomnia. Good sleep hygiene practices are important to treat rebound insomnia. Are you weaning […]

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