What’s video instruction?

Video instruction is an educational tool that conveys information through videos, useful for distance learning and reinforcing concepts. It is also popular in fitness and sports industries, and available online for free or for a fee. Video instruction is a useful tool that will continue to increase in popularity. Video instruction is an educational tool […]

What’s an Instruction Set?

An instruction set is a collection of commands a computer processor can execute. Programmers use compilers to translate code into machine instructions. Different processors support different instruction sets, with x86 dominant in PCs and ARM in smartphones and tablets. An instruction set, or instruction set architecture, is the collective set of commands that a computer […]

What’s a Macro Instruction?

Macro instructions are single instructions in computer programming that are replaced by a block of code. They were first used in assembly language programming to reduce repetitive code and provide commonly used instruction sets. Macro instruction libraries were developed to simplify programming and ensure consistent operations. This led to higher-level languages with their own libraries […]

What’s Computer Assisted Instruction?

Computers are commonly used in classrooms for educational purposes, including Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Computer-Based Education (CBI). CAI can be used alone or in combination with traditional teaching methods, and has been effective in increasing student achievement. It is used in all levels of education and various fields, including law and vocational training. CAI […]

What’s direct instruction?

Direct instruction is a teaching method where the teacher provides structured lectures and exercises to students, without encouraging exploration or group work. It is suitable for teaching math and basic science, but less appropriate for subjects like history. The method is systematic and easy to measure progress, but may not be suitable for all types […]

Types of meditation instruction?

Meditation is a practice that aims to calm the mind and increase awareness, with roots in Eastern religions and philosophy. There are various techniques, including breathing, guided imagery, mantra, chakra, and object-focused meditation. Breathing meditation is considered the simplest for beginners, while guided imagery takes the practitioner on an inner journey. Mantra meditation uses repetitive […]

Types of literacy instruction?

Literacy instruction includes phonetic and whole word reading, as well as strategies for comprehension. Phonics is useful for students who cannot read, while memorizing frequently encountered words is effective for some students. Practice and exposure to a variety of texts are important for developing literacy skills. Once basic reading skills are acquired, instruction shifts to […]

What’s the programmed instruction?

Programmed instruction is a teaching method where material is presented in small steps, with feedback given for correct responses. It can be taught by an instructor or self-taught, and is effective for individual learning or small groups. It was popularized by BF Skinner in the 1950s as a behavioral approach to teaching. The programmed instruction […]

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