Best online instructional videos: how to choose?

There are many instructional videos online, but it can be overwhelming. Look for sites that specialize in how-to content or tips and tricks, and target those with videos made by the site’s own staff. For specific topics, try a simple internet search or search on YouTube with relevant keywords. Before there were instructional videos online, […]

What’s an instructional technologist’s role?

Instructional technologists design technology-based curricula for teachers and help them determine the types of technologies needed to achieve classroom goals. They also provide training and quality assurance activities, research new technologies, and stay current in industry software and programming languages. A four-year bachelor’s degree in instructional technology is typically required. Instructional technologists are professionals who […]

What’s an instructional designer’s role?

Instructional designers create e-learning processes, collaborating with others to establish learning goals and developing technological processes to create curricula. They assess what needs to be learned and create concise educational processes to help students achieve specific information. They work with various electronic media and can help people learn while using these devices. Many hold a […]

Types of instructional designer jobs?

Instructional designers analyze learning needs, design curriculum, and implement new technologies to enhance the learning experience. They work closely with faculty and can observe business trends to develop new materials and resources. They can work at all levels of education and for non-profit agencies or companies. They must be able to train teachers and students […]

What’s instructional theory?

Instructional theory researches how people learn to improve the teaching process, with two main approaches: cognitive models (focus on student’s mind) and behavioral models (focus on observable behavior). It’s not a teaching method, but can inform pedagogies. Theories prioritize effective teaching over learning. Instructional theory is a field of inquiry typically involved in researching and […]

What’s Instructional Design?

Instructional design involves analyzing a learning environment, determining the learning needs of students, and developing a system to deliver what is needed. The ADDIE model, consisting of five phases, is one of the most important models. The theory of cognitive learning is an important part of instructional design. The advent of the computing age and […]

What’s an Instructional Medium?

The language used by teachers to teach students is the medium of instruction, which can be the official language or the students’ mother tongue. It’s important to choose the right medium for effective learning, especially for immigrants who may struggle with a new language. Multilingual education may use a combination of languages, and using the […]

What’s an instructional coordinator’s role?

An instructional coordinator improves education quality in schools or districts. They develop curriculum, train teachers, evaluate technology use, and ensure students have access to education that meets their needs. They need a master’s degree and teaching/administrative experience. An instructional coordinator is an education professional who focuses on improving the quality of education in the school […]

What’s an instructional vid?

Instructional videos are a popular way for people to learn new skills, with many available on YouTube. However, viewers should be cautious and not attempt things beyond their abilities, and interactive classes may be more effective for difficult subjects. There are many things that people want to learn how to do. They might want to […]

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