Exer. & insulin sensitivity: what’s the link?

Exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type II diabetes. Obesity and type II diabetes are linked, as fat cells use insulin less efficiently. A healthy diet and moderate exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type II diabetes. Exercise and insulin sensitivity are said to be linked because studies suggest […]

What’s an insulin tolerance test?

The insulin tolerance test is used to evaluate patients with suspected adrenal or pituitary gland problems. The patient receives an injection of insulin to lower blood sugar, causing cortisol and growth hormone levels to rise. Patients may feel tired and shaky after the test, and constant monitoring is needed to prevent complications. The test can […]

What’s the insulin index?

The insulin index measures the amount of insulin produced in response to different foods, similar to the glycemic index. Protein-rich foods can cause a high insulin response, and insulin resistance can be caused by various factors. The insulin index can help guide those with insulin resistance on which foods to avoid or eat in moderation. […]

Insulin & blood sugar: what’s the link?

Insulin regulates blood sugar levels by helping cells use glucose for energy. Malfunctions in this system occur in diabetes, causing potentially dangerous blood sugar levels. High sugar/carb foods cause excess blood sugar, triggering extra insulin release. Diabetes requires careful monitoring and treatment. There is a direct connection between insulin and blood sugar. Insulin is a […]

Improve insulin sensitivity: how?

Insulin resistance can lead to health complications, including heart disease and diabetes. Lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction can increase insulin sensitivity. Avoid processed foods, reduce saturated fat intake, and take health supplements if necessary. Consult a doctor for treatment options and preventative methods. Insulin helps convert blood glucose levels into […]

Insulin receptor: what is it?

Insulin is a hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood. It binds to insulin receptors on liver cells, activating a series of chemical reactions that increase glucose breakdown, facilitate conversion to glycogen and fat, and inhibit glucose production. Insulin receptors are protein kinases that phosphorylate tyrosine on other proteins, activating enzymes that affect glucose […]

Insulin antibodies: what are they?

Insulin antibodies can prevent insulin from working properly, leading to high blood sugar levels and symptoms of type 1 diabetes. Testing for insulin antibodies can distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and some patients with insulin resistance may benefit from steroid treatment or using a different form of insulin. Insulin is a hormone […]

Insulin sensitivity: what is it?

Insulin sensitivity refers to the body’s ability to process glucose with normal or low levels of insulin. Insulin resistance requires a lot of insulin to process glucose, leading to health problems. Diagnostic tests can determine insulin sensitivity, and changes to diet and exercise can improve it. Insulin sensitivity is important for people with diabetes who […]

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