What’s high intensity focused ultrasound?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a cancer treatment that uses sound waves to destroy cancer cells with fewer side effects than other treatments. It is effective for individual cancers and can also be used to treat non-cancerous tumors. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRI-guided FUS) is used to remove fibroids from the uterus without damaging surrounding […]

What’s exercise intensity?

Moderate to high-intensity aerobic activity several times a week helps strengthen the heart and lungs, control weight and body fat percentage, and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Monitoring exercise intensity can be done through heart rate, speech test, or physical clues. People with health conditions should consult their doctors before starting or changing their […]

What’s training intensity?

Exercise programs involve training intensity, which can be adjusted based on desired fitness outcomes. Aerobic and anaerobic conditioning are two types of fitness programs, with high-intensity training producing rapid improvement. High-intensity interval programs are a hybrid of high-intensity training, while low-intensity training builds good circulation and general wellness. Balancing training intensity is key to achieving […]

What’s the High Intensity Drug Area program?

The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program provides federal resources to local and state law enforcement agencies to reduce drug trafficking. Regions must qualify based on factors such as extensive trafficking problems and demonstrable efforts to combat the drug problem. The regional executive committee allocates funds for prevention education, advanced law enforcement training, and […]

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