What’s the meaning of “Inter alia”?

“Inter alia” means “among other things” and is often used in legal documents to indicate that the listed examples are not exhaustive. It can also be used in general contexts and may be italicized. Tra tralaltro literally means “among other things”. It is a Latin phrase often used in a legal context and indicates that […]

What is “Inter Se”?

“Inter se” is a legal term meaning rights and obligations between individuals or groups with a similar legal status. Parties to contracts can vary their rights, and prenuptial agreements can alter property division in divorce. The phrase also applies to relationships within organizations and between governments. The Latin phrase inter se or inter se is […]

What’s the meaning of “Inter Vivos”?

The use of Latin terms in law dates back to early common law. Inter vivos refers to transfers of property between living people, commonly used in real estate, living trusts, and organ donation. Inter vivos transfers can have tax benefits, and living organ donation is often for kidneys. Inter vivos trusts avoid probate but restrict […]

What’s “Inter Partes” mean?

Inter partes refers to situations where both parties are involved in a dispute or contract. Adequate notification is necessary for lawsuits, and any judgment is binding on all parties. Ex parte communication is biased and unfair. Inter partes communication ensures fairness and facilitates agreements. Inter partes is a Latin term which literally translated means “between […]

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