Adv. Interrogation: what is it?

Enhanced interrogation is a controversial set of aggressive tactics used to obtain information from prisoners. Supporters argue it is effective, while detractors consider it torture. Advanced interrogation techniques were used by the German military in WWII and were found illegal in war crimes trials. American tactics include humiliation, exhaustion, and drowning, and have been criticized […]

What’s custody interrogation?

Custody questioning occurs when a person’s freedom is restricted while being interrogated by officials of the court or law. In the US, constitutional protections and the Miranda warning apply. Other countries also have similar protections. Law enforcement officials cannot coerce or harm a person during interrogation, and if constitutional rights are violated, evidence may not […]

What’s an interrogation?

Interrogation is a process of obtaining information from someone involved in a situation or who has helpful information. It is used in criminal cases, military, intelligence agencies, and government applications. Historically, interrogation involved torture, but now psychological techniques are used. The Reid technique is popular in North America. Laws protecting the rights of people being […]

Interrogation vs. Deposition: What’s the difference?

Interrogation and deposition are two methods used to obtain information in a trial. Interrogation involves written questions answered under penalty of perjury, while deposition involves questioning a witness under oath and recording the testimony. Deposition can be used as evidence in court if the witness becomes unavailable. When two opposing parties prepare to go to […]

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