What’s invasive cervical cancer?

Invasive cervical cancer is often caused by HPV infections and can be prevented with regular gynecological exams. Risk factors include unprotected sex, poor diet, smoking, family history, and immune system disorders. Symptoms may include abnormal bleeding and discharge. Diagnosis involves pap smears, vaginal exams, and biopsies. Treatment options include freezing or burning cancerous lesions, surgery, […]

What’s invasive candidiasis?

Invasive candidiasis is a fungal infection that affects the bloodstream and can cause organ failure and other complications. It is most common in individuals with deficient immune systems, cancer patients, and those using intravenous catheters. There are different types of invasive candidiasis, and it can affect multiple organs at the same time. It can be […]

Types of invasive adenocarcinoma?

Adenocarcinoma is a cancer that can affect various organs in the body, with the most common sites being the colon and lungs. Invasive adenocarcinoma can develop when the tumor grows into surrounding tissue, and it can be treated with traditional cancer treatments. Other organs that can be affected include those of the reproductive, endocrine, and […]

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