What’s ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation is emitted by unstable chemical elements and can be harmful to human health. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays have different effects. Non-ionizing radiation, such as visible light and microwaves, is safer. Alpha particles are large and cannot penetrate skin, but can cause cancer if ingested. Beta particles can travel farther and […]

Ionizing radiation effects?

Ionizing radiation, from sources like cosmic rays and nuclear decay, can cause damage to the body’s cells and DNA, leading to cancer or death. Protective measures are in place in industries like nuclear power plants and hospitals to prevent exposure. There are many effects of ionizing radiation depending on the dose you receive. Ionizing radiation […]

Ionizing vs. non-ionizing radiation: what’s the difference?

All energy is radiation, with two types: ionizing and non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation is more dangerous than non-ionizing radiation, but has medical benefits. Ionization removes electrons from atoms, causing molecular damage and cancer. Non-ionizing radiation can still excite atoms and cause burns. The sun produces both types, with radon gas contributing the largest proportion of ionizing […]

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