[ad_1] Iridology is an alternative medicine that analyzes the iris to determine a person’s health and recommend treatment. It was developed in 1861 by Dr. Ignatz von Peczely and uses an iridology chart to map out potential ailments and genetic diseases. Training includes studying the iris, anatomy, nutrition, and herbal medicine. Certification is required to […]
[ad_1] Iridology involves observing the iris to diagnose health issues, and the best courses teach theory, history, and certification. Live classes are recommended for interaction and analyzing irises, and courses should cover modern tools and communication with patients. Understanding the history of iridology is also important, and some courses offer multiple levels of certification. Iridology […]
[ad_1] Iridology is a non-invasive alternative healthcare approach that diagnoses health conditions by examining the iris. It is based on the concept that each organ corresponds to a section of the iris. While proponents see it as a useful alternative to conventional diagnostic measures, opponents note that there is no scientific evidence to support its […]