What’s the Iroquois Nation?

The Iroquois Nation is a confederation of five Native American tribes that formed “The League of Nations”. They were known for their longhouses, matrilineal culture, and participatory democracy. The League had a 50-member Grand Council to keep peace between the tribes. The Iroquois Nation may have served as a model for the US Constitution. The […]

Who are the Iroquois?

The Iroquois Indians, made up of six tribes, live in various places in the US and Canada. They have a democratic system of government and practiced agriculture using the Three Sisters method. Men hunted and made tools, while women farmed and handled household matters. The Founding Fathers incorporated some of their government features into American […]

Who are the Iroquois Natives?

The Iroquois Native Americans were a tribe from northeastern United States, consisting of five tribes that eventually became six. They formed the Iroquois Confederacy, a democracy with a written constitution that influenced the development of the US Constitution. They were farmers and hunters, living in permanent villages in longhouses, and were a matrilineal society with […]

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