What’s Nation of Islam?

The Nation of Islam is a religious and social group founded in 1930. It aims to better the lives of African Americans in spiritual, financial, and social aspects. The group believes in Allah and the Holy Quran, but is criticized for not following orthodox Islamic teachings on equality. The organization promotes independence and self-reliance for […]

What’s Islam?

Islam is the fastest growing world religion, founded in the 6th century by Muhammad. Muslims follow five pillars of faith, with the Quran as their primary sacred text. Islam shares similarities with Judaism and Christianity, but differs in its rejection of the trinity and original sin. Despite being a peaceful religion, radical elements have been […]

Islam myths?

Misunderstandings about Islam perpetuate harmful myths and hinder honest dialogue. Islam is a complex faith with many interpretations, and violence is not inherent to the religion. Jihad can take many forms, including personal struggle, and Muslims respect other faiths. Not all Muslims are Arab, and mistreatment of women in some societies reflects conservative views, not […]

5 pillars of Islam?

The five pillars of Islam are the fundamental beliefs of the faith, with the Testimony of Faith being the highest priority. The other pillars include ritual prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. These pillars emphasize the monotheistic nature of Islam and the importance of assisting the poor and following in the footsteps of Muhammad. […]

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