What are isomers?

Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures. Structural isomers have different arrangements of atoms, while stereoisomers have the same arrangement of functional groups but differ in their spatial orientation. Isomers can have vastly different chemical properties, making their separation important in various fields. Distillation and chemical reactions are used to isolate […]

Geo isomers: what are they?

Geometric isomers are stereoisomers with two states, commonly found in molecules with carbon-carbon double bonds. They have different structures due to limited rotation in double bonds, and behave differently from each other. For example, cis and trans but-2-ene have different boiling and melting points. Also called a cis-trans isomer, a geometric isomer is a type […]

Structural isomers: what are they?

Structural isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula but different structures and properties. Carbon and hydrogen compounds have many isomers, with the number increasing as the number of atoms increases. Silicon and boron also have isomers. The ability to form isomers allows for a wide range of compounds with different properties, including those necessary […]

What are optical isomers?

Chiral molecules have different atomic configurations and cannot be superimposed. Optical isomers affect plane-polarized light and can be tested using a polarimeter. They are found in amino acids, sugars, and proteins and can be used to measure purity and separate substances in scientific research. Two molecules of the same chemical composition can be built with […]

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