Jan 18th: what occurred?

US drops World Court case against Nicaragua (1985); George McGovern starts presidential campaign (1971); Robert F. Scott reaches South Pole after Roald Amundsen (1912); Mayor of Washington DC Marion Barry arrested on drug charges (1990); Eugene Ely lands aircraft on USS Pennsylvania (1911); Captain Cook discovers Hawaii (1778); German forces resume deportations from Warsaw (1943); […]

Jan 3rd: What occurred?

Events: Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus discovered (1924), Luther excommunicated (1521), da Vinci tests flying machine (1496), Meiji Restoration begins in Japan (1868), Mussolini assumes dictatorial powers in Italy (1925), Joan of Arc handed over to Bishop Cauchon (1431), Noriega surrenders to US forces (1990), Alaska becomes 50th state (1959), Peanuts comic strip ends (2000), Brooklyn Bridge construction […]

Jan 10th: What occurred?

AOL merged with Time Warner, the Treaty of Versailles ended WWI, the London Underground opened, the first major source of oil was discovered in America, Lend-Lease program was introduced, Napoleon divorced Josephine, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, Common Sense was published, Vatican and US entered into diplomatic relations, and Masterpiece Theater premiered on PBS. […]

Jan 2nd: what occurred?

Oil prices hit $100/barrel (2008), causing supply problems in the US. Lindberg child kidnapper convicted (1935). JFK announces presidential candidacy (1960). Duquesne spy ring members convicted (1942). Nixon creates national speed limit of 55mph (1974). Maria Callas exits performance (1958). 6,000 US citizens arrested for communism (1920). First female White House staffer hired (1890). Last […]

Jan 23rd: What occurred?

Nixon announced peace in Vietnam (1973), the International Opium Convention was signed (1912), Elizabeth Blackwell became the first female doctor (1849), the Shaanxi earthquake killed over 800,000 (1556), Elva Zona Heaster’s ghost testimony led to her husband’s conviction (1897), the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted its first members (1986), the Frisbee® was invented […]

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