Is public transport in Japan safe?

Shachihata Inc. has created invisible ink stamp sets to deter groping on crowded commuter trains in Japan. The product sold out within an hour of release and is seen as a significant step towards deterring unwanted advances. The stamps sold for $23 USD and the company is working on improving the product based on user […]

What is Karoshi in Japan?

Karoshi, meaning “death by overwork,” originated in Japan in 1982 when doctors noted young, healthy men dying from heart attacks and strokes after working over 60 hours a week. Japanese Production Management (JPM) is blamed for high stress and job expectations leading to karoshi. Despite anti-karoshi policies, Japan still has long working hours. In Japan, […]

Do sumo wrestlers bring good luck in Japan?

Japan’s Naki Zumo festival, dating back 400 years, sees sumo wrestlers gather at temples to scare babies into crying. The winner is the baby who cries the longest and loudest, with all who sob rewarded with good health and defense against evil spirits. Parents can pay up to $100 USD to make their child cry, […]

Japan: What to know?

Japan is a small island nation in the western Pacific, with a long history dating back to 35,000 BC. It has undergone periods of decentralization, centralization, feudalism, and militarization. It was isolated from the West for two centuries before opening up to trade in 1853. Japan became an economic superpower after World War II, but […]

Smoking illegal in Japan?

Smoking in Japan was unregulated for centuries, with over 25% of the population smoking and cigarettes sold in vending machines. Recent policies have changed laws, with a potential for a nationwide ban. The tobacco industry has historically influenced smoking laws. Identification scans in vending machines prevent minors from purchasing tobacco. Some cities have banned smoking […]

Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

On December 7, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on US military installations in Hawaii, killing and injuring thousands. The attack was a response to the US embargo on Japan’s expansion in Asia. Japan believed that destroying the US Pacific Fleet would give them a decisive victory and demoralize the American people. However, the attack […]

How did Japan end WWII?

Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s surrender on August 15, 1945, but his formal language and lack of explicit surrender caused confusion. The decision to surrender was influenced by the destruction of Japanese forces and the use of atomic bombs by the US. Hirohito, also known as Emperor Shōwa, was emperor of Japan between 1926 and 1989. […]

What keyboards in use in China and Japan?

Asian languages use syllabic and meaning-based symbols, making traditional Roman-type keyboards less efficient. Japanese keyboards have one or two symbols per key and include Roman letters. Chinese keyboards use input method software, including the Wubi and Pinyin methods, handwriting, and speech recognition. Where Western alphabets are divided into individual letters, Asian languages ​​use syllabic and […]

Is solo activity common in Japan?

Japan is experiencing a rise in the “super solo society” trend, where people live alone and enjoy activities alone. Retailers are adapting to this trend by offering solo booths, single-serving items, and separate seats for solo moviegoers. This trend is a response to a changing society where marriage is less common and social media is […]

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